Region and application specific boats are a specialty of Motion Marine. Our company began by building custom boats, with few alike. We can begin with our Mojet, Kenai or Offshore hulls and modify them to your drawings or sketches. We give advice with each modification to make certain that it will work properly. We may also have suggestions to make your boat more workable. We supply quantities of guide and U-drive boats to lodges, and provide the necessary services through customs.
Visitors to lodges often put in their request early to have their guide trip in a Motion Marine boat because they handle so well and have so much space for fishing. We are certain we can supply your facility with boats your guides and customers will enjoy each trip out.
Another plus of Motion boats is that they are built with the best materials and workmanship and are made to last. Contact us with your ideas and questions. We would enjoy planning your fleet with you. 866-557-1802